Estate Planning
It Is Time To Plan Your Estate
At Rees, Kincaid, and Stanfield, we would like to point out the various considerations about “Estate Planning” and a few general ways to handle them. At times it is simplified to make a point. Each person’s situation is different, and it deserves individual attention. What follows is an overview, and it is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified attorney. It may, however, aid you in becoming more precise about your concerns and your situation.
We know you care about your family and being able to ensure that you are not leaving them with a stressful situation is essential to you. We are here to put your estate in order, leaving your loved ones without the stress of sorting out your affairs. Our attorneys are here to ensure that this process is completed in a timely and orderly fashion by planning the right distribution of your assets, property, and wealth.
- Wills
- Trusts
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Advance Directive for Healthcare
- Advance Directive for Mental Healthcare
- Medical Releases
- Avoiding Probate